Thanks to the wonderful One World One heart project I have been soooo inundated with comments I've barely been able to keep up with them all, not that that's a complaint mind, I am incredibly happy about it and am having a lot of fun blog hopping, I've even met other doll lovers and doll dabblers which is always a plus to any endeavour!
If the comments finally reach 100 then I'll add something else to the prize pool. I can't believe how many great gifts people are offering, it's really an exploration of sorts!
Exploring outside is out of the question as there is still thick snow on the ground here, though now much of it has turned to ice. Little Miss P was hoping that school would be closed today but no such luck I'm afraid! We're going to go to the Kids Group at church, but whether anyone will turn up I don't know. I've prepared some 'stained glass window' cards for the kids to colour anyway in celebration of candlemass. I say 'stained glass' it's actually tracing paper, but it will still look nice with the light shining through it :)
Yesterday was weird, not only for the snow but also because we found a perfectly good bicycle dumped in a hedge on the way home from school. I think it must have been stolen and dumped, so we are taking it to the police station as soon as the snow melts. I kind of hope no-one claims it because it's just the right size for Little Miss P and she doesn't have a bike :)
Still no pictures concerning the Tonner Dr Who dolls I'm sorry to say, but I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything, and if you hear before me please... TELL ME!!!
In other trivial life type shenanigans we finally got to watch the new BBC series 'Being Human' last night. In case you're not aware of it it concerns a house being shared by a ghost a werewolf and a vampire and it's flippin' brilliant!
You can find out more here (but don't look if you get scared easily!):
And just to keep it all on topic here are some appropriately themed dollies, not my own work (if only!) but items I discovered on Etsy ^-^!
You can click on the pics to visit the sellers' shops...