Duke Special
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
New Petite Blythe Madamoiselle Chocolat de Q-Pot animation
Holly xoxo
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
25% off Disney Princess Dolls!
Click on the Mail Order Express Logo to investigate :)

Holly & Apple xoxo
Fashion Fever Dolls £1.99 at Sainsburys!
Holly & Apple xoxo
Monday, 22 September 2008
Tonner reportedly granted license for "Twilight" Dolls.
I haven't seen any promo pics as yet, but it will be interesting to see what they come up with :)
The movie trailer can be seen below...
Holly xoxo
Release Your Inner Goddess!

I was delighted today to discover a new and wonderful doll called Sophia Dolls, designed by Beverly Ann Danusis.
Unlike the idealised stereotypes some well known fashion dolls present to us, the idea behind Sophia Dolls is a doll based on your inner Goddess (based on Greek mythology). Each doll is inspired by the girl or woman's core values and personality and these dolls are REALISTICALLY PROPORTIONED!!!!
From conducting workshops helping women with low self esteem and self image Beverly Ann was inspired to fill a gaping hole in the market and create these dolls, which are designed to be self-esteem tools and modes of self expression rather than mere playthings (though playing is always fun of course :)
You can even take a quiz on the website to help you decide which doll to choose.
The website did strike me as being a bit over the top and new-agey but it certainly can't be denied (by me at least) that this more realistic and attainable representation of feminine beauty and power is very welcome and LONG overdue, although the $99 price tag makes me wonder how many young girls will actually have the benefit from them.
Click on the picture above to visit the official SophiaDoll website :)
Holly xoxo
Friday, 19 September 2008
Cute Pirate Girl Dressup Game
New cute toy alert! Punzels...

Little Miss P is always quick to let me know if she spies an ad for something cute and yesterday she dragged me away from a phone call to show me some little collectibles from Vivid Imaginations called Punzels.
Little long haired pet thingies, yay! I love leedle things XD and they'd make good toys or pets for our dollies too!
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
On the plus side though, I just found out what I'm getting for Christmas this year (and yes, it is FAR too early to be thinking about this!)...
I'm getting Ashlette (the one in the green dress)...
New dollies, YAY!
Monday, 8 September 2008
New Doll Dress-Up game on my website :)
Sorry that it's still a bit errm... shall we say... unpolished looking, and the outfits are currently limited, but I think it's a reasonable prototype anyway:)
Currently it only seems to work in Internet Explorer and not Firefox though, which is a problem I am looking into. But hopefully I should complete a Kisekae version soon as well as a printable version for those who enjoy REAL paper dolls :)
Hope you enjoy anyway!
Holly and Apple xoxoxo
Sunday, 7 September 2008
New cute little Barbie Petites... modern Kiddles?
They actually appear pretty adorable, perhaps they have been taking hints from Petite Blythes and Pullips?
I couldn't find the actual ad but here's a couple of related videos and the relevant section of the Barbie website :)
There's also another vid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb4YOA7hXl4
But the poster has disabled embedding so you'll have to click on the link :)
To access the official website click the pic below:
And speaking of Petites I recently discovered that Jun Planning are starting to make Little Pullips again, you know, the mini ones? And if that wasn't enough there'll even be Little Dals!!!
Holly & Apple xoxoxo
Friday, 5 September 2008
Flickr Harvest of Perfekta Yes/No dolls...
I've been having an explore of Flickr for Perfekta Yes/No dolls and the mosaic you see below consists of every single picture I could find. Sorry some are a bit graphic (dolly guts ewww....) but hey, it's educational :)
Thankyou to all the photographers involved :)
1. Perfekta "Yes-No" Doll, 2. Perfekta "Yes-No" Doll, 3. Perfekta "Yes-No" Doll, 4. Perfekta "Yes-No" Doll, 5. Perfekta "Yes-No" Doll, 6. Perfekta "Yes-No" Doll, 7. My Yes/No Minny Collection, 8. DSCF0030
By the way, currently I am working on an online dress up doll based on Apple that will hopefully be fun.
Ciao for now!
Holly & Apple xoxoxox
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Introducing Apple... yes, no, maybe? A Vintage Perfekta Stella
Apple is a vintage cutie known as a Perfekta "Stella", "Baby Stella" or Yes/No doll. This particular little girl came to me via ebay and featured on my "The First Rescue" video featured in a previous entry. Very little seems to be known about Apple, or Perfekta dolls in general actually.
I have discovered that Perfekta were a British toy company who created these dolls in the 60s.
Measuring approximately 22cm (9 inches) high Apple and her sisters have several interesting features packed into a diminutive frame.
On her back she has a small button which when depressed causes her to nod her head "yes". On her stomach she has a second button which causes her to shake her head, "no".
In addition to this she also has basic mechanical "walking" legs - if you don't believe me (you doubter you!) take a look at this dollyvid...
She has lovely wavy hair that is perfect and soft and styleable in that special way unique to vintage doll hair, and she has lovely, thick rooted lashes (although some of Apple's eyelashes are somewhat bedraggled on her right eye!).
I am also in love with her great, blue eyes, peachy lips, rosy cheeks and irresistibly cute button nose.
Although Apple is a brunette but I have also seen blonde incarnations of this doll, though I am unaware if any other hair shades were produced. I'd love to see a re-root in some fantasy hair colour too :)
Apple is expressive and adorable, but if you appreciate the concept but the face isn't to your liking, (I am covering Apple's ears as I speak) then you'll be happy to learn that a Japanese company, Tsukuda, also acquired the license to produce their own versions of the doll in 1968. Tsukuda named their yes/no dolls "Rummy", "Minny", "Chako" and "Mitchey". For more information on the Japanese Yes/No dolls please follow the link below to the fabulous "Yu's Cutie Dolls" website :)
So in conclusion she's a cutielicious more dollified version of a Unazukin... but requiring more imagination and thumb dexterity...
I love her and would love to hear from you too if you have any Perfekta Yes/no stories/pics/info/love... LMK either via a reply to this post, email or whatever takes your fancy :)
Laterz, Holly & Apple xoxo